
Saturday, May 19, 2007


LOLS . laughs*


MIE & WEILUN (: ice-creamm ! LOLS
hohos . groupp foto =x
erms , todae was alryte (: kindda fun duringg skool hours =))
din habb lesson & went tu our courses =x erms .
mmie & queeny ish from image consultant budd we
changedd . LOLS ' luckilyy cher din findd out :DD
went up e bus , dhen cher was takingg attendance ,
&& he foundd out dhat derre's 3 extra ppl -.-'
budd he donnoe ish hhu . LOLS ' he asked hu din took
attendance . dhen mie & quenny kept quiet , budden
jonathanSOH raise his handd & sae he's from 4n1 -.-'
hahah . && so teacher gibe him a list , & he tick
anyguy names dhat ish nort used in dhat klass xD '
hohohos . dhen cher still hab 2 more extra dhat ish
mie & queeny , so ie told cher im from 4n1 too -.-'
he asked forh mye name , && he gave mie the namelist
& see . LOLS' ie went tuu tick any girls name & so queeny .
LOLS ' SAFE* hohos . reached dere . playedd , laughed
jokeddd , reacte like madd . sitted on e floor & laughed like
hell ! seems like im real madd dere . :DD . FUNS*
hope mondae ie can go & so the rest 4 daes (:
erms . ie really did enjoyyyyy xDD ' hohos
errrrrr , after skool queeny pei mie go smk .
den she asked mie forh one , so gave her . & so ie went tu
take bus home . cored sharon , bbjie , michelle .
den sharon core mie back tu mit mie & take cigg .
& so ie went home first . && mit herr after dhat .
went withdraw moneyy & den buy tibits go slack :DD
hahah . till 5+ went home , watch tebee & slp :DD .
erms dhats all forh todae den (: IM TIREDDDDD !
&& tmr ie think ie'm going sentosa . nort comfirm yet (:
hopee ie can go bahhh x)))) ' cus ie miss SUN-TANNING xDD .
errr , okayes . shall stop here . slpingg real soon (:
takecares eveione x))

Thursday, May 17, 2007

totally lost w/out ue <3

mm . went tu skool as usual .
budd late wake up :x
forhget the tyme . LOLS '
& so hab dance exam .
LOLS ' ie forhget e steps can ?
ahaha . stand dere !
im stuck ! hohos . erms .
hate sk0ol sumtymes ,
cus ie hate beeing alone
also =x dunno whye ,
tok tu her lyke toking tu
e wall der =x weirddd *
budd okay lahs , use tu
it jiu can ler (: hais .
after skool went tu
mit dear . erms . go slack .
bout 12.30 like dhat went
home . cus going out mahs .
erms . dhen 3.00 mit
sharon-boifwen out till 7+ dhen
go home . LOLS' funnyy*
kip laughingg & saeingg
other's ppl der things .
badd ehhh ! dhen kup tu buy yan .
haha . erms . sian lahhs .
tmr dunno wadd program
will bie going on in skool .
all ie can sae now ish SIAN .
im sleepy yes ! budd ie dun
feel like sleeping lahh !
&& miss dear x( errrrr ,
so early slp todae :x
hahahaha . erms .
dhats all forh todae .
BOREDD ******
takecares .
gudnyte eberione (:

bitches here & dere ?

hope things will goes on smoothly .
ie donwanna walk tis path alone (:
stay wibe mie foreverrr ' :DD

BARNEYbareneyLOVES ((:

erms . went tu skool as usual todae =x
din mit dear in e morning cus ie was late .
& so ie take cab tuu sk0ol ! x( haish .
den habb EOA exam . SIANsian .
nort so easyy , budd alryyte . do halfway
auto slp ! LOLS ' dunno whye . hohos .
tireddd * erms . after skool din pei dear =x
cus went tu acompany queeny , cus she neber
go dating mahs . LOLS ' errrr , && so went tu eat
slacck && smk . hohos ' den after dhat due
to some problems we left . & went tu plaza .
dhen walk walk dere . after dhat we saw some
cutecute der items & so we went tu take a look .
& ie saw one barney ! LOLS . & ie told queeny
dhat ie want it . & nobody see , so ie can take
& go actually . budd she don believe dhat
ie'll take such stuff . LOLS '
& ie jus hugg dhat barney & walk awae !
LOLS ' & both of us was laughingg all
the wae . laughs* cus deres no reason for
mie to take the barney . & ie jus took it
for fun cus dhe barney sings . -.-' haha .
funny lahhhh . dhen after dhat bring mye
barney wibe mie tu let dhem see (: ie open the
songg also . -.-' gibe dhem cigg dhen went off .
&& went tuu mit sharon jus now x)) pass her ,
her cigg , & slack awhilee . & horhohorhohor .
ie left wibe one sticks x(( lazy tu buy lahs.
no money ler x( erms . tmr habb dance exam .
boredddd lahs . & ie dunn ebern noe e steps okay !
LOLS ' sure fail -.-' ie've been slpingg
from 5.00 too 9.00 ! LOLS ' now im getting tired again !
LOLS ' dhats all forh todae .
update till here ler . bbuhbyes .
ie carn bie perfect .
ish dere happiness around ?
shld ie trust him ?
tuupiddd , dear nort cuming tmr =x
idiotidiotidiotidiotidiotidiot !

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

IE SUPERLY LOVE HIM (: 1o05o7 (:

erms . todae was alryte lahs .
woke up at 12.30 rot at home .
cus ie tot mye bia0 jie ish gonna
ask mie out , so stay at home tu
wait forh her core nor . budd
in e end also neberr go out wan x(
cus she hab work =x hahaha '
so cored sharon-boifwen out (:
went tu kup , buy yan ! dhen slack
awhile , go kovan buy barbell .
go walkwalk . dhen go eat ! LOLS'
while eatingg laugh till like mad okay .
hahaahha . ie admit , ie was sumkind
of mad lahs . kip imaginee deres a kidd
bside mie , & ie can tok tu him wan.
like as if ie'm toking tu e wall
& laugh till lyke madd . hahahaha.
ie act as ib ie'm toking tu the lil boy .
budd actually deres ish no one dere .
LOLS . madd uh ! dhen ie summore can
sae sum other things [ shhh ]
cannort sae tuu clear bcus beri hard tu type
LOLS ' mm . after dhat went smk . LOLS
& im stil saying bout the ahboy thing . LOLS
kip laughin lah . hahaha ' laugh till full -.-'
maybie ie was mmadd (: hohos . erms
dhen bout 7+ take bus tu aunt hus .
saw mye ex :x he sae hi tu mie -.-' & so
ie smile back . LOLS' wu liao lahs .
dhen eat dinner at aunt hus . LOLS'
bout 10+ jiu gone home . (:
went plaza buyt hings . saw shasha =))
& darren call ? -.-' tok awhile . dhen
reach home watch tebee . dhats all .
tmrtmr exam ! sianSIAN .
din see dear todae ): misshim =x
think shall stop here ler .
bbuhbyes . (: GUDNYTE x33
ie feel bberi sorry . =(
ie'm a bberibberi badd girlfwen =(
sorry dear !
Loveddd .

Monday, May 14, 2007

hope things won turn back (:

erms . kinda boredd todae .
keep slpingg . LOLS '
watchin tebee now . boredd '
mmm . todae went skool wibe dear .
den cpa exam . hohos ; so easyy !
HAHAH . ib eberi exam so easy jiu hao .
& ie hate tuu talk tu wwalls lahhs .
hahaha . erms , after skool
went slack & smk wibe queeny & jonathan .
LOLS ' dhen bout 11+ findd dear .
LOLS ' budd nort bberi long jiu g0 home ler .
x(( reach home ler bout 3+ slp all
the waee till 8 lyke dhat ! hahah .
woke up play comp dehn go slack .
till 11+ dhen go home . hahah .
sianSIAN . boredddddd .
tmr maybie goingg town wibe bia0 jie .
hohos . shuree will bie fun der .
cus we do those things x)))
hahah . tmr wake up [ maybie ]
mit sharon-boifwen but cigg first .
LOLS ' cus thish few daes din smk much .
poor liaos mahs . x( mm .
think stop here ler bahs .
tmrr no skool ! out for shoppingg .
haahahah . bbyes . takecares eberione .
don make mmie love him
again ! cus ie donwant him
anymore (:
tell mie ib ue don care .
ie don like toking tu e wall !
& im sorry for nort accomapny eu (:
dear , pls understandd mie more ?
ieloveyous . sorry .

Sunday, May 13, 2007

don let mie love ue again (:

erms . a beri bberi boringg dae x((
woke up at 12.00 & was lying on e bed
all th wae . cus ie hab nth tu do .
erms . cant eben play comp ,
cus korkor donlet mmie play x'(
sadd'ed lahs . mm . siansian .
dhen 3.00 went tu take bus go aunt
hus play comp lorh . den s0 many
ppl dere . RAHH ! all naggnagg mie x(
denden , was super sian . habb nth tu ddo .
ie ate erlort todae lahs . cus dere's
so so much food dere . hohos .
tmr going skool lohs . hahah . so happie
cus cus , can see dear lerr . x))))) LOLS
hopehopewishwish-** tmr won rain =x
ahaha . cus ib rain , cant go skool wibe dear
& also must waste moneyy take cabb =x
hahaha . tmr exammmm . SIAN LAHS .
& tuesdae ie think ie'm going town .
wibe mye bia0 jie . hohos .
boredd lahs . nth tuu ddo sehhh .
=( hahah . todae smk damn less lor
onlyy 4 niaa x(( saddd lahs .
cus all the wae wibe relatives ma .
rahhh ! haha . siansian . now stil
at aunt hus . waddd time will ie bie
goingg home . im gonna
boreddd tuu deathhhhh !
HAHAH . x(((((
2 daes din see him =(
& sorry dear , cant go out wibe ue
tis few daes . hopee ue don mindd.
think shall stop here ler x)
takecares '
things hab change .
ie dunno whye .
ie dunno h0w .
eu shld noe eberithing
ue're jus a kor tu mie .
hope ue understandd .
don make mie love ue again .
& ie hate dhat tuu .
&&amp;&&& so so so .
guddbye .
all our past .
& its jus memories .

tuu little too late

erms . went out the whole dae :x
its kinda tiredd now alreadyy (:
& im quite sleepy . LOLS '
erms . went t0wn wibe sharon-boifwen
todae . LOLS ' was kinda madd . laugh lyke hell .
& tok lyke idiots . HOOs ' funfun daee .
& spended erlort too . & ie dunno wad ie spend on
also . haha ; took neo-print . & walkwalk .
& im damn guai todae , cus ie din took anything . =.-'
mm . reachh home lerr , play comp .
& darren cored & so dear cored too . LOLS '
conference =x hopee he wont get angry ;X
mm . todae din see dearr at all . *& iemisshim lyke
maddd ! LOLS ' hahaha . tmr hopehope* wishwish*
IE CAN GO SENTOSA X( ' budddd , think im going aunt hus .
& ie try nort tu go =X hahahahah . budd im nort surree can not .
hahaha ' wth , ib ie cant go tmrr . ie willl cryyyyyy =(
hahah . mm . dhendehn , ie dunno wadd tu sae .
okay ; ie shall stop bout all the happenings . cus
nth much actually . ' oh ya . mye blog hab sumthing wrongg
wibe it . ie cant post pictures & change colours ob fonts & all
sorts ob things . dunno wtf ish happeningg -.-'
hais . think stop here ler .
im tired . gudnyte eberione .

ie cant turn back anymore ;
get it ? jus too little too late .
ima sorry .
& ie hate tuu see ue suffer .
ue promised , ue shall bie happy .
& so GUDBYE x33
ie've no more past .
& ie hate mye past too .
tell mie ue hate mie .
nomore lovingg you '
let mie go . let mie fly .
ie've already foundd mye ONLY (:
& ie truely love him .

bringg mmie sum where
far awaee (:
ie hate tis worldd .
budd ieloveyou .
ie'll holdd ue tight &
neber eber let ue go (: